The Benefits of a Consistent Morning Routine


When it comes to looking for ways to increase daily productivity, clarity, focus and motivation, I recommend my clients start by implementing a regimented morning routine!

When you begin your day with a regular and consistent routine that you hold yourself accountable to, the benefits are noticeable almost immediately. You are able to set the tone and positive energy for the day from the second you wake up, making the flow of your job, relationships, etc, so much more fulfilling and effortless!

Finding ways to start the morning that enhance your motivation can look different for everyone! On top of getting a great night of quality sleep, below are some ways that are consistently helpful for everyone!

Get up 15-20 minutes earlier than usual and don’t hit snooze! (Okay maybe just once, but that's it!)

  • This may seem like a small or insignificant amount of time, but when you are able to avoid rushing in the morning and can take a few extra minutes for yourself, it helps to lower cortisol levels! This, in turn, will reduce anxiety and stress throughout the day and improve overall performance! When you’re punctual and on time or even a bit early for a meeting, school, or an event, you’re less likely to be flustered and unorganized.

Hydrate first thing in the morning- BEFORE coffee

  • Start the day by drinking 500mls of water with lemon and a dash of pink himalayan salt for added alkalinity and electrolyte benefits. The key to proper hydration is being consistent with consuming 2-3 L of flat water per day, ideally avoiding large quantities around meals in order to keep our stomach acid concentrated. Water helps carry nutrients into our cells, keeps our bowel movements more regular, maintains healthy fascia, improves cognition and more!

Make a TO-DO list of your top 5 things to accomplish that day

  • Keeping yourself accountable for daily tasks you need to fulfil isn’t always easy. Making sure you have a list in front of you the whole day will ensure you aren’t forgetting anything or getting sidetracked. This list doesn’t only need to be work related, it should also include personal tasks such as picking up dry cleaning, calling a family member, reorganizing your closet, etc! Ticking all the things off your list each day will give you a great sense of accomplishment in order to truly be able to relax at the end of the day. 

Prioritize sunlight exposure right when you wake up!

  • Sunlight in the morning with direct eye contact and skin exposure has amazing scientifically proven benefits. It improves your circadian rhythm by increasing serotonin (your mood regulating hormone/neurotransmitter) and will regulate the production of melatonin (your sleep hormone, which also reduces stress) when it comes time to go to sleep. Another pivotal benefit of regular sun exposure is the synthesis of vitamin D which among many other things, increases your body’s immune and mood response. 

Take 5 minutes BEFORE looking at your phone in the morning to journal

  • Morning gratitude and intention setting goes a long way! It’s worth taking the time to bring awareness to all the positive things you have in your life, or to just express your feelings whenever you need to. This will not only put your daily stressors into perspective, but will also give you the opportunity to put your thoughts on paper instead of overthinking things outside of your control. 

Having a routine in general has incredible benefits and will help with keeping you organized and accountable! There isn’t one size that fits all for routine building, but beginning with some of the basics is the perfect place to start!


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