What is a 360 Discovery Assessment and Who should Book One?

By: Ashley Saltsman

What is a 360 Discovery Assessment?

Straight Up Health’s 360 Discovery Assessments are the entry point to Straight Up Health’s unique, innovative approach to care. At Straight Up Health, we use a Family-Based Care Model where caregivers are collaborators in the work of helping their kids thrive. 360 Discovery Assessments are strength-based biopsychosocial-spiritual evaluations that allow us to determine the best pathway for incoming clients and provide families and individuals with personalized treatment plans.

Who should book a 360 Discovery Assessment? 

Just about anyone! Our 360 Discovery Assessments are suitable for anyone looking to prioritize their overall well-being. 

Are you a parent looking for support for you and/or your child? Book a 360! 

Are you a teen or young adult in need of mental health support? Book a 360! 

Are you looking for support with nutrition or sleep? Book a 360! 

Are you experiencing stress? Book a 360! 

Do you want to make a change in your life but don’t know where to start? Book a 360!!! 

Straight up Health provides a plethora of services so we are able to meet the diverse needs of individuals and families. Our team consists of therapists, coaches, sleep-specialists, nutritionists, and more! In the event that we do not directly offer the services we feel are best suited to your needs, we will provide you with a plan centered around external resources. No matter what, we will not let you walk away empty handed. We guarantee a recommended plan following your 360 Discovery Assessment. 

What is the structure of a 360 Discovery Assessment? 

The Assessments are 30 - 50 minutes in length and offered both in-clinic and virtually across Ontario. 360 Discovery Assessments are conducted by Registered Social Worker, and 360 Discovery Lead, Ashley Saltsman, our “Assessment Expert”. The process is personalized right from the start - depending on the developmental age, presenting experience, and preferences of the client(s), we will determine who should be present during the assessment. 

Following the Assessment, clients are provided with a detailed recommended pathway for care from our Assessment Expert.

How and why was the 360 Discovery Assessment Created? 

We have meticulously designed an assessment process based off of our clinic’s mission of providing wrap-around mental health care to teens, young adults, and their families as well as current research on best-practice mental health care. Studies illustrate the complexities of the interactions between the physical (i.e., biological), psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of the client’s lived experience and the need to assess and intervene in all four domains (Gale, 2022). As such, we utilize a biopsychosocial - spiritual approach: “The desired outcome of a biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment is a complete understanding of the complex interactions that take place between the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual domains of a client’s life. A thorough and accurate biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment will determine the best course of treatment and identify specific treatment goals and interventions that are most appropriate for the client. This will result in a higher likelihood of resolution of the client’s concerns. Through the social worker’s development of a complete understanding of the client in the collaborative biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment process, the client will feel fully understood by the social worker, which will result in the development of trust and a therapeutic working relationship between the client and the social worker and an increased utilization of services by the client” (Gale, 2022).

What types of questions can I expect during a 360 Discovery Assessment? 

The selection of assessment questions, just like the construction of the process itself, was based on extensive research. Our goal is to gather as much information as we can - get a 360 degree view, so to speak! In order to do so, we ask a wide range of questions from the biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment model. 

We’ll ask about your health history, and also what you like to do for fun! 

We’ll ask about your interpersonal relationships, and also your identity!

All questions are optional - we just want to learn as much about you as possible in order to best support you. 

Assessments can be conveniently booked online here or by calling our office at (647) 250-7579


Gale, L. (2022). Biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment: An overview.Cinahl Information Systems. https://www.ebsco.com/sites/default/files/acquiadam-assets/Social-Work-Reference-Center-Skill-Biopsychosocial-Spiritual-Assessment.pdf


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